Saturday, April 9, 2011


emotions are so dumb. i am for sure going back to not having them after this. i am like a zombie today. coming down from such a wildly fast and high ride is tricky. i was just talking to my friend stacey and she asked, responding to the tone of my voice, "are you okay?" yes, yes i am okay. i probably look like a person who is not okay, but i am most certainly doing wonderfully. just in a really tired way that probably looks like someone would look if they were contemplating suicide. i am not, of course, that person and i still have all the fluttery feelings of glee and child-like wonder, i just don't have the energy to exhibit said glee and wonder. i have exactly enough energy to drive my car and to walk around to some of my favorite little shops downtown. that is all i have really done today. wandered. wandered in my car and then wandered, very slowly, on my little feet. i also got my hair cut today. and i think my next stop will be the tanning store. even a zombie can be vain.

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